
How to play with XgaG - a guidance for modeling TicTacToe

This introduction describes the various steps that will usually have to be performed when playing around with XgaG. It is seperated into three parts: General concepts, the modeling part, and the transformation part.

I. General Concepts

XgaG defines several metamodels that describe the logical structure of simple turn-based board games. By using these metamodels one can create a model that represents a specific board game, e.g. Tic Tac Toe. Such a model does not include graphical information, it really just represents the game´s logic. At this time we do not provide an Application that can be used to directly play a game described by an XgaG game model. Fortunately this is not the end of the story: Zillions of Games is a (non-free) Program that can play games that are described in a special Lisp-like language. We provide a transformation for this language.



1. Overview of the XgaG meta models

When creating an XgaG model you actually have to create 4 separate models. Figure 1 gives an overview of this architecture.
The Board model defines a graph that represents the game´s board. We seperate this from the other models because one can think of several games that share the same board, e.g. Chess and Checkers. The same applies to the PieceSet model, which serves to define collections of playing pieces. The Game model is the core of our models. Here we define the rules of the game and its abstract concepts.
The ResourceWrapper model is used to attach graphical representations of board and pieces to the logical model.
The main idea is now to transform our abstract game definition to arbitrary game engines. In our case we implemented a sample transformation to the Zillions of Games platform.

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Figure 1: Overview of the XgaG models



II. The Modeling Part

We now describe how one can create each of the needed models by using our editors.
Notice: The shown meta models do not display cross-package references because the GMF editor does not support this. In doubt look at the javadoc.

1. Create a Board model

Based on the Board meta model we created a GMF-Editor (see Figure 2) where you can easily create your own board. Notice that not only the abstract graph but also the geometric structure is used later on.
A Board model consists of the following Elements:


Figure 2: The GMF based Board model editor showing the Tic Tac Toe board model.

The complete model of the Tic Tac Toe Board and its notation.



2. Create a PieceSet model

PieceSets are used to create collections of playing figures (see Figure 3). Note that these are just types for describing certain characteristics (e.g. movement) that are independent of player ownership. Have a look at the simple PieceSet meta model.


Figure 3: The EMF based PieceSet tree editor. One Piece is enough to create Tic Tac Toe.

The complete model of the Tic Tac Toe PieceSet.



3. Create a Game model

Now we are going straight into the thick of things. Figure 4 displays an excerpt from the relative small example of Tic Tac Toe.
At the root of the model is the Game element that contains all the neccessary features:


Figure 4: Excerpt from the Tic Tac Toe game model.

The complete model of the Tic Tac Toe Game.




1. Recycling the Board diagram model (Model-to-Code)

Any game platform that will eventually run your game needs geometrical information about your Board and especially the location of its Fields. Normally the abstract board diagram is in some way connected to that geometrics. Thus, we reuse the board diagram for extracting this information into a SVG file. This file can be processed further e.g. by professional layouters and serve as the graphical view of your board (used in the next workflow). The clou is that the created fields will be referenced for gathering the geometrical information as long as you do not delete them. See Figure 5 for an abstract workflow representation and Figure 6 for the concrete transformation of the Tic Tac Toe Board. For more details look at the workflow and the implementation.


Figure 5: The Board2SVG Workflow



Figure 6: The Board diagramm (step1) is used as input for creating the Board.svg file (step2) wich can be modified and layouted (step3) while preserving the field identities.



2. ResourceWrapper Workflow (Model-to-Model)

Last but not least we have to give additional information about the final layout of the game. Therefore a ResourceWrapper is needed that maps game Board and game Pieces to images. To make it easy to use, a ResourceWrapper instance is generated by the workflow (see Figure 7). The only thing one has to do manually is to enter the file URIs. For more details look at the workflow itself and the corresponding implementation.


Figure 7: The ResourceWrapper Workflow


The filling is as usual provided by an EMF tree editor. An example is shown by Figure 8.


Figure 8: The ResourceWrapper Editor for the Tic Tac Toe with URI checking.



3. XgaG2Zillions Workflow (Model-to-Code)

The last workflow transforms the XgaG game model into a Zillions Rule file by using the Open Architecture Ware Xpand/Xtend template languages (see Figure 9). For more details look at the workflow itself and corresponding Xpand and Xtend templates.


Figure 9: The ResourceWrapper Editor for the Tic Tac Toe with URI checking.

Check out the XgaG project page

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