XgaG stands for "XgaG generates all Games"
Our goal is to create a comprehensive metamodel for boardgames and a
model-to-code transformation engine. Additionally we will create an
editor to easily create XgaG models, so that even your little sister can
create new boardgames with XgaG!
Meta models
If the fonts in the models do not scale properly try changing their size. (Ctrl +/- in Firefox)
The shown meta models do not display cross-package references because the GMF editor does not support this. In doubt look at the
The XgaG codebase consists of four separate eclipse projects:
- XgaG.doc: Contains all the documentation, including this website.
- XgaG.metamodel.emf: Contains the XgaG game metamodels.
- XgaG.metamodel.gmf: Contains the GMF models for the graphical Board editor.
- XgaG.generator: Contains transformation specific code.
As always with sf.net you can get anonymous read access to our
development folders via subversion.
This is a list of known bugs
- Setting members of a Region is not possible in the GMF Editor. Caused By: [GMF Bug]
- TurnOrder sequence does not allow duplicate entries. Caused By: [EMF Bug]
- OAW Editor shows error when when accessing cross-package model elements. Caused By: [OAW Bug]
- If you use blanks in filepaths it is not guaranteed that XgaG can always handle this correctly. Caused By: [XgaG]
Check out the XgaG project page